new, and all that...the way i like it!
oh so i've been a little out there for...well, i'm not sure. i started this blog to do what most people do on blogs....yah know, post about there lives, and those people in it. yeah, i think i can do that! just one by one....take it day by day, do a little bitching here and there...then i can have the other kinds of posts whare i point out the obviouse, the neat, the cool...all that jazz. oh yeah did i mention the misspellings...every whare, now there might be a spell check at the top of the page but hay that makes it less me. i liked to feal rushed and under the pressure and i don't want to think over what i already wrote as i watch the bot crawl over my work, telling me what's what. no i'm not going to take that kind of abuse!! now here i am i click back a forth through meebo, myspace and blogger as somthing new happens every second i'm online. i wan't to try and stop the madness....but the thought of not knowin what's happening at that vary kills me. well just a and there, i liger about the page sklrawling my life on the web for all to see! what, dose that make me better or worse that you can find out everything you need to know with one click and then shove it in my face like some sort of fool. maybe i just don't care anny what if i didn't get that job or got fired from that one if i hated that guy or that company and posted it up here or there.....code flings from left to right a div a src a img a:link and sofourth....fuck off! i controle the code and just let it be know nothing dose what it wants because the admin wants it, remeber i controle the code. it dose what i want it to do, because i skrawle it. now go get and be gone before i ban you from what i call my domain....
(now imangin that i'm yellin my lungs out)
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