Wedding Pictures!!!
I present to you the wedding of (Digit) Kristin & (Sable) Kevin Thurman!!!
...And check out any of my other web albums. >^.=.^<
When Ever I Can, No Matter How Short And Insignificant It Is. I, Personally, Will Give You A Chunk Of My Life/Day/Experience/Wisdom/Mind/ect. You Dig Dawg?
I present to you the wedding of (Digit) Kristin & (Sable) Kevin Thurman!!!
...And check out any of my other web albums. >^.=.^<
Posted by
Big Bouncing Bob
4/20/2009 11:55:00 AM
I'm Blue? Wow...and I kinda held back when I answered this, I'm much kinkier than I thought. Of course when it comes to getting down to buissnes, I'll hold back untill someone gives me a little push.
Your result for The Kink Spectrum Analysis Test...
You scored 61% self-confidence and 54% bandwidth!
Wow! You have quite a big repertoire when it comes to kinky sex. And you're probably also willing to play on either side of the fence. You should look for another Blue, or an Ultraviolet if you want to broaden your horizon. Greens may be okay as well but will probably bore you after a while. Reds are too vanilla for you.
But I promised you a more detailed analysis, so here it is. Note that most scales are twofold: There are separate values for giving (active) and receiving (passive). If you scored high on one of them, you should look for a partner who scored high on the other. If you scored high on both of them, go for someone who is similar (or for multiple partners if you're into that). If you scored low on both, this probably is not your kind of kink.
You scored 80% giving and 77% receiving on oral.
You scored 67% giving and 90% receiving on anal.
You scored 15% giving and 14% receiving on bondage.
You scored 48% giving and 33% receiving on humiliation.
You scored 44% giving and 45% receiving on pain.
You scored 55% dominance and 50% submission.
You scored 63% voyeurism and 36% exhibitionism.
Besides that, you're 13% into fetishism and 68% polysexual (i.e. interested in sex with multiple partners, whether at the same time or not). You'll probably want a partner who is similar, whether you scored high or low in these categories.
Finally, you scored 33% on autoerotic - a scale that measures your ability and/or willingness to have kinky fun without a partner. It's not exactly a matching criterion, but it's good for you if your score is high. Keep it up!
Posted by
Big Bouncing Bob
4/10/2009 05:57:00 PM
It's not a question in this particular case, just a title...I know that there are many who care, though they don't show it on the outside...on the inside, I can feel it. I just wish some would stop bottling what they really feel about others because of how they would look if they expressed these feelings outwardly. But I guess I'm not one to talk since I keep to myself most of the time, worried about how other will take the true me...but, being put into situations where I have to show my true self, most people don't care or already knew. Most people, like myself, beat themselves up inside worrying how other will react to the truth and the truth is most people either don't care or are fine with it no matter what...because, you are you...just because you tell them a piece of the puzzle doesn't change the overall picture, you. Those who care about you will look past the little things, even if they disagree with them and see that's what made
People spend to much time looking at the small things without realizing that there's, I'm not saying you should stop looking at the small things, not at all...just realize that it's all part of something larger than one can really understand. For example, love...a seemingly simple expression yet complex emotion. People have fought and died in the name of love...and others have tried to stop it because they feared of what might happen. Romeo and Juliet, star crossed lovers, did anything to be together even though nearly everyone was against it...but once it happened, did the fighting stop? Of course the families grieved, but for how one has ever thought of that, of course that is just works of fiction. What about this real world...where two people are meant to be together but nearly everyone in the world is against it. I know it's late to be getting on my soap box about this, but I never really said anything about it...and I feel that I must.
People have been fighting for their rights since the beginning, since one found something different about another and said this is the rules for us and the rules for them...because they don't deserve the same, for whatever reason. Sex, gender, race, religion, color, creed, views, orientation...what-have-you...whatever they could use to say, they're different and so should their rules. Everyone has had their movement and has gained their ground in equality; from America's movement away from Britain, slaves movement to freedom, then away from segregation, women moved to the right to vote, then towards equal pay and such...of course there are more, farther back and many sprinkled in between...another like LGTBQ fight against discrimination to the current struggle...a family. Why is it that any group has had to fight the hardest for things that seem like a no brainer?
I speak now because I know this will effect me, and others I know, very soon down the road...and I will be on the front lines fighting for something that I thought didn't need explaining. The fight against us saying that they need to preserve the sanctity of marriage, that they're doing it for the children (theirs and ours), so that children can grow up in a traditional family or what-have-you...since when has any family been traditional, since when has marriage been sanctified, since when has anything a large group of strangers done, for "the good of the children", ever been that good for the children? Nowadays people can get hitched on a whim just about anywhere really and get divorced for the most trivial thing, whether or not there are children involved! Parents, who shouldn't even be called that, are saying "fuck them, what about me?"...I'm sorry, I don't see where these nay sayers get off saying we'll destroy family values when there's not much left in the first place. Devoices, single parents, fatherless or motherless children...and even the kids that have both parents that are still together, well even then they usually don't get the attention that they need, they act out, and there's trouble, staring us in the face again. I don't want to keep going on, because I could...forever and ever...but I'll leave you with a word from Mr. Olbermann after Prop 8 came through.
Posted by
Big Bouncing Bob
3/22/2009 01:04:00 PM